Join Nick’s #AskMeAnything today on Reddit
That’s a wrap, folks. Thank you for your thoughtful questions. Here’s all of the responses and if we didn’t get to your question, feel free to send them to, tweet them to Nick at @nsweaves and @eerosupport. Check out our Help Center and r/eero.
Wondering how the magic happens? Our CEO, Nick, will be hosting a Reddit AMA today at 3pm PST, along with one of our lead firmware engineers, u/6roybatty6, who has represented us since day one on r/eero. Ask them anything about WiFi, TrueMesh, or the latest from eero.

During the AMA, tell us #WouldYouRather have buffer-free streaming but only access to season 3 of every show OR buffering every 5 minutes but have access to every season. Tell us your answer and use BUFFERFREESEASON3 or BUFFERFOREVER for free 2-day shipping on

(spoiler alert: with eero, you can enjoy every season, buffer-free)
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